Practice Plus Group MSK, Buckinghamshire

Private ultrasound-guided injections (USGI)

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Private payment options for ultrasound-guided injections (USGI)

Our Buckinghamshire Musculoskeletal Clinic offers various private payment options for ultrasound-guided injections (USGI) to cater to your specific needs. USGI’s allow us to accurately guide an injection to a target area to reduce pain. The pricing options are as follows:

Ultrasound-guided injection (30-minute appointment): £200

This option is for patients who have already undergone an assessment, appropriate imaging, and received a report. It’s ideal for those seeking only the ultrasound-guided injection procedure.

Assessment, point of care ultrasound scan, and ultrasound-guided injection (45-minute appointment): £250

This comprehensive package includes the assessment, a point of care ultrasound scan, and the ultrasound-guided injection, ensuring a thorough and efficient treatment process.

Assessment, diagnostic scan with report, and ultrasound-guided injection (60-minute appointment): £320

For a more detailed evaluation, this option encompasses the assessment, a diagnostic scan with a report, and the ultrasound-guided injection, providing a comprehensive solution for your condition.

Payment is by credit / debit card upon booking your USGI. We accept most major credit cards, except for American Express and Diners Club cards. All prices are subject to change without prior notice. Prices will be explained to you in advance of payment.

How do I get referred for an ultrasound-guided injection?

Getting referred is quick and easy at Practice Plus Group and you can benefit from shorter waiting times, with referral to injection within one week*.

There are two ways you can access an ultrasound-guided injection with us:

1. Self-referral – you can self-refer in one of three ways:

A member of our team will ask you some questions about the reason for the injection, your general health and GP details etc, and then we will book you an appointment. Using the self-referral method means no referral is needed from your GP or other healthcare professional.

2. Referral from a healthcare professional:

If you are already receiving treatment, you can ask your GP, consultant, physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor to fill in our USGI request referral form and email it to us at

Once we have received your referral form, we’ll be in touch with you directly, to book your appointment.

If you would like more information before booking, you can also chat to us directly to get more information by calling us on 0330 173 1313 or by filling in the enquiry form on this page, and one of our friendly team will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Can I access treatment through private medical insurance?

You can access private ultrasound-guided injection treatment through health insurance if you have cover with the following providers:

  • AXA
  • WPA
  • Vitality
  • Healix

Understanding ultrasound-guided injections

Ultrasound, also known as sonography, offers real-time imaging of internal body structures, such as bursas, tendon sheaths, and joint spaces. This technology allows for precise administration of medication into specific anatomical locations, enhancing the effectiveness of your treatment.

What to expect during ultrasound-guided injections

Similar to other imaging procedures, ultrasound-guided injections are radiation-free, making them the safest and quickest method for administering treatments in real time. The process involves placing an ultrasound probe on your skin, using gel to facilitate the creation of images below the skin’s surface. Once the exact anatomical structure is visualised, a needle is carefully guided through the skin, with the entire procedure monitored through live images on screen.

Benefits of ultrasound-guided injections

Ultrasound-guided injections are typically recommended when anatomical locations are challenging to access without imaging. This is particularly beneficial for small or deep structures and sensitive areas, such as small joints in the hands and feet or the hip joint. Our service can also provide highly effective interventions for common musculoskeletal conditions that would be impossible without imaging, such as shoulder hydro-distension for frozen shoulder or barbotage for patients with large calcific deposits in their tendons.

Understanding the risks

Injections, when administered by our experienced clinicians, are generally very safe. Our team has extensive training and experience in delivering these procedures and performs hundreds of them every year.

After your ultrasound-guided injection

Following the procedure, we typically recommend a 72-hour period of relative rest. The exception is after a hydro-distension, where we encourage immediate shoulder movement. You should follow the rehabilitation exercises advised by your physiotherapist after this initial recovery period. Additionally, we provide you with easy and quick access to our service for any questions or concerns you may have.

Commonly treated conditions with ultrasound-guided injections:

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee
  • Osteoarthritis of the hip
  • Osteoarthritis of wrist, thumb, ankle and foot
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Acromioclavicular joint pain
  • Hydrodistension shoulder
  • High volume injections/stripping Achilles tendon


* Waiting times based on referral to scan from August 2024 data.

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