Practice Plus Group MSK and Diagnostics


Neck pain and discomfort can make everyday tasks difficult, but with a wide range of treatments available, you don’t have to suffer in silence.

It’s very common to have some sort of pain in your neck from time to time. People with neck pain can experience problems caused by trauma, medical conditions or injuries such as aches and pains.


What are the causes of neck pain?

Common causes of neck pain include poor posture, sleeping in an awkward position, a neck injury or a pinched nerve in the neck.


How can neck pain be treated?

Many cases of neck pain will go away in time and can be managed hot or cold compresses and over-the-counter painkillers. However, if pain is ongoing you should see your GP.



Cervical spondylosis

Mechanical neck pain

Nerve-related neck and arm pain

Serious neck pain


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