Practice Plus Group MSK and Diagnostics

How to make a referral

It’s easy to refer a patient to our services.

Please see the criteria below:


Practice Plus Group MSK & Spinal Service, Lincolnshire

To Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services (CATS)

Practice Plus Group MSK, Buckinghamshire

The patient must:

  • Have an NHS Buckinghamshire GP
  • Be 16 years of age or older
  • Not present with a red flag
  • Not be a medical emergency
  • Please do not refer patients needing, neurological physio, respiratory physio or community physio (home visit).

Referring a patient

If a patient meets the above criteria please refer to us via the e-referral service (e-RS). By agreement some referrals may be accepted manually, please email if you are unsure. Please ensure you detail the patient’s medical history and any other relevant information that you feel would be beneficial for the consultant at the centre to know.

Download the referral guide and referral form.

Download our GP pathways documents or our quick reference guide.

Practice Plus Group MSK, Berkshire West

If a patient meets the criteria please refer to us via the e-referral service (e-RS). Some referrals may be accepted manually, please email if you are unsure.

Download the referral form.

You can self-refer by completing this form and sending it back to or to Unit 2, The Merlin Centre, Cressex Business Park, Lancaster Road, High Wycombe HP12 3QL.

Based on the information given to us, our team of clinicians will assess your referral and decide which service and course of treatment will be best for you.  Patients in urgent need will have their initial assessment with us within one week of requesting an appointment. Non-urgent cases will have their initial assessment with us within three weeks of requesting an appointment.

Practice Plus Group Diagnostics, Buckinghamshire

It’s easy to refer a patient to the us. Before doing so, please check the following referral criteria:

  • We do not accept referrals for patients aged under 16 years.
  • Referral documentation must be completed with accurate patient demographics, NHS number and appropriate clinical indications.

How to refer a patient:

  • NHS e-Referral Service (our preferred method)
  • By secure email:
  • By post to: Practice Plus Group Diagnostics, Buckinghamshire, Unit 2, The Merlin Centre Cressex Business Park, Lancaster Road, High Wycombe, HP12 3QL.

If you are making a referral, please detail the patient’s medical history and any other relevant information that you feel would be beneficial for the consultant at the centre to know.

Private MRI scans – information on how to refer a patient for private MRI scan can be found here.

Referral forms (click to download)

Quick reference guide

Echocardiography referral form

MRI referral form

Ultrasound and x-ray referral form


Practice Plus Group Diagnostics, Havant

For X-rays, you can refer patients to us in various ways:

  • Via
  • By post your referral to: Practice Plus Group Diagnostics, Havant, Oak Park Community Clinic, Lavant Drive, Havant PO9 2AW.

For ultrasound and echocardiograms, patients will need an appointment. Therefore we require your referral to be provided via post or choose and book as per the details above.

If you are posting or faxing a referral, please detail the patient’s medical history and any other relevant information that you feel would be beneficial for the consultant at the centre to know.

Diagnostic imaging exclusion criteria

Before you refer to our X-ray, ultrasound or echocardiogram tests, please check the following exclusion criteria:

  • Pregnancy
  • Patients below 18 years.

Please remember that we only provide general abdominal, renal, aorta, testes and gynaecological ultrasound scanning tests.

Enquire now

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